Off the wind on this heading lie the Marquesas. We got eighty feet of the waterline nicely making wake. A lot of attention is being given to sailing events. There is the solo race around the globe that sees participants now battling each other in the Pacific Ocean. However, for a Sydney boy such as I remain at heart, it is not just about sailing around the world but rather, taking on some serious and oftentimes totally unpredictable waters of the Tasman Sea as the annual Sydney to Hobart blue-water classic takes place. I have loved sailing for almost all of my adult life. I spent four years racing sloops on Sydney Harbor where our crew managed successive wining seasons with me deftly balanced on the foredeck, raising and dropping headsails with hoisting spinnakers, all part of the job at hand. Being on the foredeck meant little time to understand the finer points of actual sailing, when it did come time for me to take the helm in the annual Flinders Island race, I proved ineff...
It’s common knowledge within the NonStop community that Margo and I are building a new home. This time, it will not be in Colorado but rather, in Florida. Nothing political to report here as the catalyst for such a change of location has more to do with our health than anything else – heading to sea level is likewise almost as common knowledge as is the move itself. The home we are building in Florida will be the third home Margo and I have built. This time it will be a far cry from the first home we built but similar in that we are starting with an empty lot. Our second home was already a work in progress when we chose it but even so we watched as our chosen floorplan took shape between the frames. So yes, we know frameworks. For the NonStop community, frameworks often surface in discussions. When you enter the world of open source there are a myriad variety of options, all with the benefits and weaknesses. Many of the better software implementations we rely on today have been built a...