If you have seen this post before it is because I have submitted it to a few other places, but I am re-posting here in case you have missed it ... So, why do I think InkaBinka is a revolutionary invention? See, revolution is about freedom! When I go to my msn.com I get the refreshing snippets of information on various topics, but I have no freedom of choosing which snippets appear and where on my screen they are located! With my InkaBinka screen I have a freedom of deciding which snippets I see, I choose which parts of the various web sites will be my snippets, I decide if they at the top, bottom, left or right side of my screen. I get bored with one, I can replace it. I want more, I can add another one. That’s freedom, that’s liberating! It is truly my page, and I am not dictated to which are the important pieces of my information. The time slider, which is not available anywhere else, allows me to go back and see what was displayed in my snippet before: one application is n...
Independent opinions and commentary for the HPE NonStop community.