Looking for a fun ride into the next decade? You can’t do better than jumping onto NonStop – still the best platform for mission critical applications … Our time down under is now well and truly over. We have returned to Windsor, Colorado, where the weather is taking some getting used to – after a lengthy stay in what can only be described as tropical conditions, it has been snowing here in Colorado and temperatures dropped overnight to 8F degrees (about -13C). Looking back through the photos taken during the time spent in and around Sydney, I came across the photo I took as the family walked towards “The Dish” – one of the largest movable dish radio telescopes ever built. The Dish was also the title of a movie made a while back that highlighted how it was this radio telescope that relayed the signals coming from the moon when Neil Armstrong first stepped onto its surface back in 1969. Yes, it’s huge. But until you get close enough to give it a good look, its size is deceptiv...
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