The NonStop community is fully aware of the danger that comes with making assumptions about NonStop; it’s time IT professionals draw similar conclusions. For the past couple of weeks I have been the primary care giver to Margo. As reported to various sites, the Friday before Christmas Day Margo broke her leg. Badly! She has been convalescing at home following surgery and while she is making great progress, she still looks to me for assistance with almost everything she wants to do. It’s been a tough job keeping her out of her office but she has been keeping visits to her place of work to a minimum. Having said this, I have paid a price albeit minor in comparison. Thinking I know the layout of our home, I have managed to hit almost everything I pass from my feet to my elbows to my hands. Turns out, apparently, I am making assumptions about the placement of items and the image I have in my mind is not accurate. Ouch! Over the course of my career I have made a couple of choices that i...
Independent opinions and commentary for the HPE NonStop community.